0086 – Japanese basics (N5-N3) – Superlative



How can I ask a question in Japanese “My mum’s dish is the most delicious in the world”?



Making a superlative phrase in Japanese


When expressing that something is the most (or greatest, easiest, etc.) in Japanese, we use:


Scope + の中で + X +一番 + Yですか。

Scope + no naka de + X ga + ichiban + Y desu ka。


Scope (when it’s a location) + + X +一番 + Yですか。

Scope +  de + X ga + ichiban + Y desu ka.


So, for example, 



Eega no naka de “Totoro” ga ichiban suki desu.

…『』 here is used for the title.

I like Totoro the most in all movies



Sekai de haha no ryoori ga ichiban oishii desu.

My mum’s dish is the most delicious in the world.


Ask a superlative question


When it comes to asking a question using the superlative word, we can change X element into a question word.


Scope + (の中)で +何(だれ、どこ、いつ etc)が + 一番 + Yですか。

Scope + no naka de + nani (dare, doko, itsu, etc) ga + ichiban + Y desu ka.


So for example, 




Eega no naka de nani ga ichiban suki desu.

What do you like the most in all the movies?




“Totoro” ga ichiban suki desu.

I like Totoro the most.




Sekai de dare no ryoori ga ichiban oishii desu.

Whose cooking is the most delicious in the world?




Haha no ryoori ga ichiban oishii desu.

My mum’s dish is the most delicious.

