0072 – Japanese basics (N5-N3) – Position (3 dimensions)



How can I say in Japanese that there are cookies on the table?



Three dimensions position (above, below, left, right)


When talking about the position in three dimensions, the same grammar pattern is used as two dimensions.


See also: Position (2 dimensions)



Grammar pattern for the position is: 



Object no Position ni


But there are position concepts which slightly differ from English ones:


上: ue: above and on

下: shita: below and under


So, you don’t need to pay attention if one touches something or is covered with something.


For example, 



teeburu no ue ni syashin ga ari masu.

There is a photo on / above the table.



teeburu no shita ni neko ga i masu.

There is a cat under the table.



suupaa no hidari ni hon-ya ga ari masu.

There is a bookstore to the left of a supermarket.



hon-ya no migi ni suupaa ga ari masu.

There is a supermarket to the right of a bookstore.



Three dimensions position (next, near, between)


The grammar pattern is the same to the two dimensions:



Object no Position ni


And just like two dimension expression that can be seen in xxxxxxxxxx, we need to pay attention to 間: aida: between, 



Object1 to Object2 no aida ni


For example, 



watashi no tonari ni koibito ga i masu.

There is my lover next to me.



gakkou no chikaku ni Makudonarudo ga ari masu.

There is a MacDonald near the school.



hon-ya to hanaya no aida ni eki ga ari masu.

There is the station between a bookstore and a flower shop.


Three dimensions position (in front of, behind, inside, outside)


For talking about the positions in three dimensions, we can’t forget about these expressions: 前(mae: in front of)、後ろ(ushiro: behind)、外(soto: outside)、中(naka: inside)


For example,



eki no mae ni shiyakusho ga ariasu.

There is the city hall in front of the station.



reizouko no ushiro ni okane ga ari mashita.

There was some money behind the refrigerator.



saihu no naka ni okane ga zenzen ariasen.

There is no money inside the wallet.



ie no soto ni Jeison ga i masu.

There is Jason outside the house.
