0071 – Japanese basics (N5-N3) – Position (2 dimensions)



How can I explain the place of my country on the map in Japanese?


Two dimensions position (above, below, left, right)


When we want to focus on the position of something in the two dimensions (like on the map, book etc), the words



are typically used.


And the grammar pattern that signifies the position is


  • ObjectPosition
  • Object no Position ni


So, for example (imagine the world map), 



amerika no ue ni kanada ga ari masu.

There is Canada above the U.S.A.



kanada no shita ni amerika ga ari masu.

There is the U.S.A below Canada.



Supein no hidari ni Porutogaru ga ari masu.

There is Portugal to the left of Spain.



Porutogaru no migi ni Supein ga ari masu.

There is Spain to the right of Portugal.


Two dimensions position (next, near, between)


We also have the positions like:



the grammar pattern is the same to what we’ve seen above, 


  • ObjectPosition
  • Object no Position ni





Object1 to Object2 no aida ni


for(aida: between).


For example (imagine the world map),



Kanbojia to tonari ni Tai to Betonamu ga ari masu.

There are Thailand and Vietnam next to Cambodia.



Madagasukaru no chikaku ni Tanzania ya Mozambiiku ga ari masu.

There are Tanzania, Mozambique and so on near Madagascar.



Chiri to Uruguai no aida ni Aruzenchin ga ari masu.

There is Argentina between Chile and Uruguay.

